Eye Coordination Checks These are important to assess the movement of the eyes, the strength of the eye muscles and to check for causes of tired eyes, visual stress and fatigue. They can also be used to check for some general health conditions such as thyroid problems. They are especially important in children to rule out squints and lazy eyes and to ensure normal binocular development- ensuring the eyes work together to give clear 3D image.
Internal Eye health checks
These checks are important to look for any signs of eye problems such as glaucoma, Macular degeneration, Cataract and general health issues such as blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. If any problems are suspected, our optician will arrange further investigations which may involve putting drops in the eyes to open the pupils to allow the eyes to be examined in a more detailed way.
External Eye health checks
This is to check for conditions such as blepharitis and dry eyes which if untreated, can have a strong impact on your visual comfort throughout the day.