Eye Health

Your Eye Health

Your eyes are very important and there are a lot of everyday things that can effect your eyes. 50% of sight loss is avoidable and we want you to enjoy having healthy eyes for as long as possible.
If your eyes aren't causing you any trouble you probably don't give them much thought. However your eyes can actually tell us a lot about your general health, even if your vision doesn't feel any different. This is why it is so important to have regular eye tests.

 Eye tests don’t just tell you if you need glasses or a change of prescription it is also an important health check, that can highlight early signs of eye and health conditions before any symptoms are found. Other things that can effect the health of your eyes are listed below. Remember you will only ever have one set of eyes so make sure you look after them...

Healthy Diet

Not only is a healthy diet good for your body it is also good for your eyes. 
Nutrients like omega-3, fatty acids, Zinc, Lutein and Vitamins E &C might help ward off age related vision problems like Macular Degeneration and Cataract. You can find out more about these eye conditions here.

Keeping a healthy diet helps you keep a healthy weight, which lowers your chances of obesity related diseases like type 2 Diabetes which is the leading cause of blindness in adults.


Sunlight doesn’t just damage our skin but also damages our eyes after prolonged exposure. We have all been told not to look directly at the sun, but even on bright days your eyes can be damaged by the sun. This can be prevented by wearing sunglasses with a high level of UV, which all our sunglasses have included. We have a wide range of designer and non-designer sunglasses in store for you to browse. These sunglasses can also be made up to your prescription. 


Smoking can make you more likely to get cataracts. It can also cause Macular Degeneration and damage your optic nerve.

LED Screens

Using computer screens for long periods of time can cause eye strain, dry eyes, neck strain and headaches. 
If you are spending prolonged periods of time at a computer or LED screen, it is recommend to; 
  •  Ensure it is positioned correctly so that you are not straining to see it. 
  • Having an office lens in your glasses (only recommended if you have a reading or computer prescription)
  • Having a blue shield coating on your lenses which will help prevent eye strain and headaches
  • Wearing to date glasses or contact lenses to help prevent eye stain and headaches.
  •  Take regular breaks when using screens to allow your eyes to relax, 

 You can find out more about what coatings  are available and what lenses will be best for you, here.
Alternatively you can come in and speak to our optical assistants who will be happy to talk you through VDU glasses, office lenses and different coatings available to help keep your eyes healthy with screen use.


If you drive a vehicle there are standards your eyes must meet to ensure you are legal to drive. If you feel you are struggling to see signs or number plates you must book an eye test immediately. 
The law states that all drivers must be able to read a standard number plate in good daylight from 20 meters away, with spectacles or corrective lenses if required. 
You must also meet the minimum eye sight standard or having a visual acuity of at least (6/12). More information about the law on eyesight when driving cars and lorries/buses/HGVs can be found on the gov website. https://www.gov.uk/driving-eyesight-rules


Whether you are doing some DIY or just cleaning it is important to protect your eyes from any foreign body that could get in your eyes. If they do, it can very easily damage the soft tissue of the eye and may lead to further long term sight issues. 

We would always advise you to wear protective eye wear when using harmful chemicals such as cleaning products or working on a building sight as debris can very easily get into your eye.

 If you would like to find out more about the protective eye wear we sell, one of our optical assistants will be happy to talk you through this with you. 

Sports can also cause complication with your eyes, we also have a range of sports prescription glasses and swimming goggles available to help protect your eyes against potential risks when playing sports. 

Eye Conditions

Some eye conditions if left untreated can become major health issues, they can also be a sign of underlying health problems such as diabetes which is why regular eye tests and health checks are important. 
Find out more
Need to book an eye test?

You can either pop in to store or give us a call to book an eye test. Find out if you qualify for a FREE NHS funded eye test.
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